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Kids Lesson

Join us for a thrilling surf adventure for kids! Our safe and fun lessons will teach your child how to surf with an experienced instructor by their side at all times. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Girl learning how to surf in kids surf lesson

Fun Adventure

With our Kids Surf Lesson, you'll be able to take your kids on an adventure they'll never forget. They'll be introduced to the basics of surfing and safety, while having a ton of fun in the process. It's a great way to introduce your kids to surfing so that they can learn from the ground up with our instructors guiding them every step of the way.

$60 per person

Kids surf lesson

One at a time

The maximum number of participants per instructor in the water is one for safety reasons. This way your kids will also always have plenty of room to practice their moves without feeling crowded or overwhelmed.  If you have got more than one child who wants to learn how to surf, we can fit them all in with no problem.

$60 per person

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